Anime Reviews
Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Purītia
faithb4sight's Rating: 8 / 10

Hits: 1449

This page shows only faithb4sight's
rating for this title.

Content Overview
Violence: 3 / 10
Nudity: 3 / 10
Theo Theme: 4 / 10
Neg Them: 2 / 10

faithb4sight's Review
Note: This is a review of the Funimation English dub version of this series.

Violence / Gore:
This anime centers around a girl and her new friends fighting off different creatures with the use of their powers. There is not a lot of blood - when a character is hurt they just look disheveled. Some comedic violence in the show, too.

Nudity / Sexual Content:
One girl in this anime is shown taking a shower multiple times. She is mostly covered by steam. At one point she walks out of the shower and hugs a guy - her breasts are on him. Not totally detailed (these scenes are meant to be more comedic than anything else).
Another girl mentions that her transformation with a guy is like they have "become one."
The transformation scenes are pretty awkward. The girl is unmistakably nude, and mostly uncovered.

Potentially problematic theological themes:
This anime's plot revolves around the use of magic. People transform and use their powers to fight. Magic is shown to have two forms: good and evil.

Other potentially problematic themes:
Random, mild swearing (usually s*** and d***). Not in every episode, but noticeable.

*Pr�tear is a combination of fantasy, comedy, and romance. It has its share of lightheartedness, but a good chunk of the show deals with inner turmoil and emotions; thus, Pr�tear actually has some surprising depth to it. A great Shoujo pick for fans of series such as Princess TuTu or Sailor Moon.

Added: April, 2014