Anime Reviews
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Mahō Shōjo Madoka Magika (魔法少女まどか☆マギカ)
faithb4sight's Rating: 7 / 10

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rating for this title.

Content Overview
Violence: 6 / 10
Nudity: 4 / 10
Theo Theme: 5 / 10
Neg Them: 3 / 10

faithb4sight's Review
Note: This is a review of the Aniplex of America English dub version of this series.

Violence / Gore:
This series is not overtly bloody. Not every episode centers on violence. However, central to the plot is the emotional turmoil that violence brings.
There are some blood splatters throughout the show. Guns, swords, etc. are used to fight and kill monsters. One girl is shown being eaten by a monster. A girl violently shoots a cat-like creature. A woman tries to commit suicide. Later, a group tries to commit mass-suicide. Spoiler: They were not in control of their minds. A man murders his family before killing himself as well. One girl beheads (and repeatedly stabs) a monster. Though you only see its silhouette, there is a lot of blood shown.

Nudity / Sexual Content:
There are two instances (in the theme song, and late in the series) in which two nude girls are hugging each other. Neither instance is sexual in nature. One girl misunderstands a situation and is upset because she believes that her two female friends are dating each other.
The girls in the show wear pretty short skirts but it's portrayed innocently for the most part. That said, there is a picture at the end of an episode that shows quite a bit of one girl's rear end under her skirt.

Potentially problematic theological themes:
The use of magic is prevalent in the series. There are also witches, and a conversation about how a human could posses the power to change the fabric of the universe, and become a "god."
Also prevalent in the series is the idea of a soul - in Madoka Magica, it is something that can be taken from someone Spoiler: and exchanged for wishes. It is also something that can be spoiled.
In one episode, a preacher begins to preach ideas that are "not in the Bible." His ideas are portrayed by one character as being correct. However, religion is not portrayed as being evil.

Other potentially problematic themes:
As a whole, this anime does not usually have more than 1 swear-word per episode. Sometimes none are said. However, in one episode, two random men are having a conversation near a main character. Their conversation is full of vulgarities and their topic of conversation is degrading women. Most of the swear-words they say are mild (as in the rest of the series). One person does begin to say the f-word before getting distracted.
One woman tells her daughter that being an adult is difficult, and that's why adults are allowed to drink alcohol. The girl replies that she's excited to grow up so that she can drink with her mother.

*Beautiful artistry and good pacing. Puella Magi Madoka Magica is an interesting take on a well-known anime concept: magical girls. However, these characters are not run-of-the-mill. Neither is this series meant to be a comedy. The characters grow and mature as they begin to understand that everything has a price. But are they willing to pay it?
Added: July, 2011