Anime Reviews ⇢ Naruto
Average Rating: 6.17 / 10

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Ratings: 6
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Content Overview
Violence: 6.2 / 10
Nudity: 4.4 / 10
Theo Theme: 5.3 / 10
Neg Theme: 3.8 / 10

Brief Description:
The story closely follows the life of a boy who is feared and detested by the villagers of the hidden leaf village of Konoha. The distrust of the boy has little to do with the boy himself, but it’s what’s inside him that causes anxiety. Long before Naruto came to be, a Kyuubi (demon fox) with great fury and power waged war taking many lives. The battle ensued for a long time until a man known as the Fourth Hokage, Yondaime, the strongest ninja in Konoha, fiercely fought the Kyuubi. The fight was soon won by Yondaime as he sealed the evil demon in a human body. Thus the boy, Naruto, was born. As Naruto grows he decides to become the strongest ninja in Konoha in an effort to show everyone that he is not as they perceive him to be, but is a human being worthy of love and admiration. But the road to becoming Hokage, the title for the strongest ninja in Konoha, is a long and arduous one. It is a path filled with betrayal, pain, and loss; but with hard work, Naruto may achieve Hokage.

Note: This is for Part 1 of the series. Not to be confused with the Part 2, Naruto: Shippuuden.

US Release date: 2006
US Distributor: Viz Media
Suitable for ages 13+
Naruto (part 1) is complete at 220 episodes.
User Reviews
06/04/2014: TheAlbinoMoose [ Already Rated ]

Violence / Gore:
This show is about ninjas, so you can expect a bit of violence. There is a little blood, but nothing gratuitous. There are, however, some unusual instances which I found to be rather disturbing. At one point, a character rips their heart out and squeezes it (there is no blood).

Nudity / Sexual Content: There is a "sexy jutsu" where the user (*ahem*Naruto*ahem*) turns into a sexy naked lady, but she's conveniently covered by steam. This isn't used in most episodes (episode 2 is focused around it, though). There is a character that is known for being singularly pervy, and his hobby is peeking at women in spas. Considering the amount of episodes, it is a relatively clean show as far as it goes.

Potentially problematic theological themes: There are demons that can be trapped in the bodies of human beings (Naruto has one). The villain bites a character, giving them a curse mark. They perform sealing rituals to keep the curse mark from affecting the character. They summon help (frogs, dogs, slugs, snakes, weapons) by biting their thumb and wiping a little blood on a summoning scroll. The dead can reanimate when a reanimation jutsu is used.

Other potentially problematic themes: One of the characters smokes. It is viewed as a bad thing, though. There isn't a lot of language - d**n is used occasionally.

I'd like to add that this show isn't dark and scary. The characters are inspiring, and the friendship between them is very heartwarming. Naruto never gives up, and does whatever it takes to protect his village and his friends. The bond between friends and the way that love is so powerful in this show is surprising, considering it's a shonen ninja battling show.

The following users rated this title without reviewing it: uc pseudonym | Vii | mkalv | samurai10 | Cc4FuzzyHuggles.
Added: July, 2011