Anime Reviews
Sands of Destruction
World Destruction: Sekai Bokumetsu no Rokunin (ワールド・デストラクション~世界撲滅の六人)
faithb4sight's Rating: 7 / 10

Hits: 1560

This page shows only faithb4sight's
rating for this title.

Content Overview
Violence: 3 / 10
Nudity: 2 / 10
Theo Theme: 2 / 10
Neg Them: 3 / 10

faithb4sight's Review
Note: This is a review of the Funimation English dubbed version of this anime.

Violence / Gore:
One girl is whipped (slave-fashion) by a Gorilla-beast. A giant worm-like creature is impaled. One character carries handguns which she threatens people with/ shoots at people with. Another character carries a scythe-type weapon and uses it to attack people/defend herself.
Armies shoot at each other - no blood, just people falling down to symbolize death. People turn to sand and crumble away.
Some comedic violence (falling down on head, being hit on the head, etc.)
While Sands of Destruction does have its share of violence, the actual blood content is very, very limited.

Nudity / Sexual Content:
The characters at one point flee onto a "pleasure ship" in which a lot of gambling is taking place.
One guy had coconuts in his shirt at one point to fool people into thinking he was a girl.
Sometimes the screen-focus is on a girl walking - she wears a shorter-style skirt. At one point this skirt slowly starts to rip: a lot of upper leg is shown.
One character (male bear) is giving CPR to another character (male human). When the human wakes, he momentarily thinks the bear was kissing him.

Potentially problematic theological themes:
The focus of Sands of Destruction is that a girl wants to destroy the world, and she is seeking out a way to do that. She believes that the world is an awful place that has no hope of redemption.
There are some mentions of "gods" who created the destruct code/the world.
One minor character tries to put the moves on a lady by saying it is "the gods will" that they be together. At one point an evil character calls himself a "god of destruction." Beast-men sacrifice humans to the "god of the sandsea."
A smuggler has a cross tattoo on is face.
One person is said to have been alive since the formation of the world.
There is a "cursed cherry blossom tree" rumor in a town.
One episode has a phantom-like person in it.

Other potentially problematic themes:
A few minor swears (averages about 1 per episode). Usually it's either h*ll or d*mn. At one point some random characters are drinking alcohol (characterized by them having red faces).

Sands of Destruction was a mildly entertaining watch. It's about a place in which human beings are not exactly respected - they are more of a secondary/sub-par race that are ruled over by beast-men. The traveling aspect of the show was nice because the scenery changed so much from one episode to another. That said, the artistry left a little something to be desired. Combine that with the sometimes-slower pace of the show, and I had to give this series only a 7/10 rating.
Still, Sands of Destruction had its moments. The humor was really good sometimes. I just liked Kyrie's character in general I guess, because he's the one who usually made me laugh. The ending to the series was brought about well enough that I would watch this series again. At only 12 episodes, it was worth the time for me.
Added: October, 2015