Anime Reviews
Spirited Away
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (千と千尋の神隠し)
Rose Faerie's Rating: 10 / 10

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rating for this title.

Content Overview
Violence: 3 / 10
Nudity: 1 / 10
Theo Theme: 4 / 10
Neg Them: 1 / 10

Rose Faerie's Review
Violence: I don't recall very much, and what was there qualified as fantasy violence. Characters are eaten or threatened to be eaten by spirits. I can only recall one instance where a character is hurt badly enough to bleed.

Sex and Nudity: None, unless you count the bare rear end of a giant baby.

Theological Themes: As the title implies, Spirited Away is about spirits. Most of them have good intentions. A character is a witch, though she is technically the main antagonist of the movie. Some of the spirits have magical abilities.

Problematic Themes: None. I don't recall any substances or swearing.

Overall: This is by far one of my favorite Ghibli movies. Chihiro has wonderful character development and the world building is fantastic. I could seriously watch a spin-off TV series about Chihiro's adventures in the bath house. I'd say I recommend this to older children and up, due to a few scenes being a little scary for the youngest. In all, I'm glad I saw this one. It's very cute and heartwarming, and, in general, it is very well made.
Added: May, 2012