Anime Reviews ⇢ Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Average Rating: 4 / 10

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Ratings: 2
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Content Overview
Violence: 5 / 10
Nudity: 4 / 10
Theo Theme: 2 / 10
Neg Theme: 3 / 10

Brief Description:
Year Title was released: 2007
Suggested age appropriateness: 11
Blue Dragon (2007) boasts an impressive pedigree: it's based on the Xbox 360 game supervised by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, and features original character designs by Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball Z.. Blue Dragon is set in a world where certain warriors are Shadow Wielders, capable of commanding powerful monsters. Shu, the 10-year-old hero of this fantasy adventure, aspires to become a great warrior, although his friend Kluke keeps his ego in check. When the forces of evil king Nene attack their village, Shu and Kluke meet the skilled fighter Zola and her apprentice Jiro. Zola recognizes Shu's ability to summon the Blue Dragon, an extremely powerful shadow beast. He becomes her second apprentice. Kluke decides to journey with them, as does another Shadow Wielder, the elfin Marumaro. The plot requires a lot of exposition, and the story feels like it was assembled from pieces of other series. The hyperactive Shu resembles a mixture of Gohan in Dragon Ball and Simon in Gurran Lagann--after a triple espresso. Kluke, who loves weapons and robots, feels like a mixture of Bulma and Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist. Blue Dragon is not a particularly original series, but it will please fans of the Xbox game.
User Reviews
August, 2011: samurai10 [ Already Rated ]

Blue Dragon is your typical fighting anime. The hero discovers that he has a great power within him, fights, powers up at the last minute before being defeated, etc. etc. I mean, it's based on a video game. Don't get me wrong, there are some animes out there that are bases on video games that are pretty good, but Blue Dragon just isn't one of them.

Blue Dragon is okay but if you can't deal with kiddy heroes who are totally cliche in personality and a plot that is repeated a bazillion times, don't watch this. This anime is kiddy hero GALORE. It's nothing new. The jokes are lame and trite.

Nudity/Sexual Content: It's kind of amazing how much of this junk they managed to incorporate in what's supposed to be a kid's anime. It's frequent that they joke about stuff like this. One of the main characters is a total pervert, and he's always trying lots of perverted things. Another main character can turn invisible, but only when she's completely naked.

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Added: August, 2011