Anime Reviews ⇢ Rahxephon
Average Rating: 8.67 / 10

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Ratings: 3
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Content Overview
Violence: 6 / 10
Nudity: 2.7 / 10
Theo Theme: 3 / 10
Neg Theme: 2.7 / 10

Brief Description:
Year Released: 2000
Suggested Age: 14+
Summary: 17-year-old Ayato Kamina has the ability to control a godlike mecha known as the RahXephon, and is on a inner journey to find a place in the world. He is guided by a mysterious being who looks like a fellow classmate and is soon drawn into a war in which he does not wish to participate.
User Reviews
09/15/2011: rocklobster [ Already Rated ]

Main review: I love this anime! It is one of the most beautiful titles I have ever watched, and one of the best characterized. Each character is more than he/she appears on the surface. Just when you think you’ve understood a character, another layer is often revealed. For instance, Ayato seems to be someone who’d rather be a pacifist. But when he discovers someone he wishes to protect, he becomes a good fighter, despite the fact that he clearly does not wish to participate in the war. Another favorite character of mine is Megumi Shitow. She seems like a cheerful teenager, but under the surface is someone who is unsure of her abilities and purpose. Overall, the anime has a mystery feel to it, and you just want to sit back and watch so you can see if you can develop your own theories about what is going on.

Music/Score: Music plays a big part in the story. The music in the show is very pretty to listen to. The opening and closing are among my all-time favorite opening themes.
Sub/Dub: Either way works excellent. This is one of the best dubs ever!

Violence: (7/10) Some bloody moments, but nothing truly graphic

Language: (2/10) Some mild language, but nothing above PG-13.

Sexuality: (3/10) I heard some suggestive dialog, but nothing above that.

Nudity: (3/10) Some symbolic mild nudity. There are some scenes where a girl named Quon is seen in somewhat revealing clothes, but it’s actually a plot point rather than fanservice.

Drugs/Tobacco: (3/10) Two women are very heavy drinkers.

Religion: (4/10) Some references to the Mayan calendar toward the end.

Related Media: There is a movie and a manga based on the anime.

The following users rated this title without reviewing it: mechana2015 | Vii.
Added: September, 2011