Anime Reviews ⇢ Fractale
Average Rating: 4 / 10

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Ratings: 1
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Content Overview
Violence: 5 / 10
Nudity: 0 / 10
Theo Theme: 1 / 10
Neg Theme: 1 / 10

Brief Description:
Summary: In a far distant future, humanity has embraced the Fractale system as the ultimate path towards utopia. Comprised of several trillion networked computers, Fractale was created in the 22nd century to promote a peaceful lifestyle for the entire world in exchange of a periodic recovery of personal data from individuals through terminals located within their bodies. Living in a rocky coast region, Clain is a young boy fascinated by old technology. After helping a girl named Phryne, she gives him a pendant before disappearing by the next morning. Accessing the data from the peculiar gift, Clain ends up summoning a girl-shaped avatar named Nessa. Together they start a journey as they discover the truth behind the Fractale system. (ANN description)

Year Released: 2011
Suggested Age:
Complete at 11 episodes
User Reviews
10/02/2011: Atria35 [ Already Rated ]

Violence/Gore: There are people killed onscreen quite a few times. Some of them are innocent bystanders.

Nudity/Sexual Content: Constant references are made to men being perverts (“naughty” in the subs). In one episode Clain wakes up to a pair of knockers in his face, and the lady teases him about what a wild night they had the night before (nothing happened, as it turns out). She says she has a collection of date rape drugs that they could take and have a wild time with. Phryne’s father figure insists that the only way to make sure she’s fit to be the ‘key’ is to see whether she is still pure- she ends up getting into stirrups (if you don’t know what I mean, ask your mother) but is saved before the examination can take place.

Added: September, 2011