Contributor Report: TheAlbinoMoose
The following is a list of all ratings and reviews submitted by TheAlbinoMoose. The links
below can be used to quickly scroll down to a specific title.
Attack on Titan (Jump to title )
- Overall: 9
- Violence Rating: 6
- Nudity Rating: 3
- Theological Themes: 3
- Other Negative Themes: 4
Kanon (Jump to title )
- Overall: 7
- Violence Rating: 1
- Nudity Rating: 2
- Theological Themes: 2
- Other Negative Themes: 1
Karneval (Jump to title )
- Overall: 9
- Violence Rating: 5
- Nudity Rating: 1
- Theological Themes: 2
- Other Negative Themes: 2
Naruto (Jump to title )
- Overall: 8
- Violence Rating: 6
- Nudity Rating: 4
- Theological Themes: 5
- Other Negative Themes: 3
Review Violence / Gore:
This show is about ninjas, so you can expect a bit of violence. There is a little blood, but nothing gratuitous. There are, however, some unusual instances which I found to be rather disturbing. At one point, a character rips their heart out and squeezes it (there is no blood).
Nudity / Sexual Content: There is a "sexy jutsu" where the user (*ahem*Naruto*ahem*) turns into a sexy naked lady, but she's conveniently covered by steam. This isn't used in most episodes (episode 2 is focused around it, though). There is a character that is known for being singularly pervy, and his hobby is peeking at women in spas. Considering the amount of episodes, it is a relatively clean show as far as it goes.
Potentially problematic theological themes: There are demons that can be trapped in the bodies of human beings (Naruto has one). The villain bites a character, giving them a curse mark. They perform sealing rituals to keep the curse mark from affecting the character. They summon help (frogs, dogs, slugs, snakes, weapons) by biting their thumb and wiping a little blood on a summoning scroll. The dead can reanimate when a reanimation jutsu is used.
Other potentially problematic themes: One of the characters smokes. It is viewed as a bad thing, though. There isn't a lot of language - d**n is used occasionally.
I'd like to add that this show isn't dark and scary. The characters are inspiring, and the friendship between them is very heartwarming. Naruto never gives up, and does whatever it takes to protect his village and his friends. The bond between friends and the way that love is so powerful in this show is surprising, considering it's a shonen ninja battling show.
Paranoia Agent (Jump to title )
- Overall: 7
- Violence Rating: 4
- Nudity Rating: 5
- Theological Themes: 2
- Other Negative Themes: 3
Terror in Resonance (Jump to title )
- Overall: 9
- Violence Rating: 3
- Nudity Rating: 1
- Theological Themes: 1
- Other Negative Themes: 2
Review Zankyou no Terror is a beautiful, melancholy story of two guys who just want the truth to be known. The soundtrack and animation is amazing - there are a few moments that are just breathtakingly beautiful, and the music may give you the chills sometimes. The storyline is interesting, and the change of perspective from the police to the bombers keeps it from becoming stale at any point - I will admit that the plot has a few weak spots, though. The characters start off seemingly stereotypical, but as the plot progresses their characters become more compelling.
A few people are shot, not a lot of blood is shown. There are also many explosions. Someone commits suicide by exploding a car.
Nudity/Sexual Content:
Lisa is shown in a bath. A female character wears a short skirt, and shows some cleavage.
Problematic Themes:
The main characters blow up a lot of buildings. Nobody is killed in any of the explosions, and there are reasons behind the bombings, but you may (like me) still find it hard to justify causing such large damage purposefully.
Tokyo Ghoul (Jump to title )
- Overall: 7
- Violence Rating: 8
- Nudity Rating: 3
- Theological Themes: 6
- Other Negative Themes: 6
Review This is a review of the first 12 episodes of Tokyo Ghoul.
Tokyo ghoul is gratuitously violent, very disturbing, and rather dark. Ghouls are just like humans, except they need to eat human flesh or they'll die. While most ghouls dislike killing people, eat as little as possible, and try to fit in with the rest of society, there are 'binge eaters' and 'gourmets' who enjoy killing and eat for pleasure. These ghouls have caused humans to think all ghouls are simply monsters without souls or the ability to feel human emotions. So, there are ghoul hunters who are specially trained to kill ghouls, and they will kill any ghoul no matter who they are. Kaneki is the only half-ghoul half-human, so it is his duty to end the war between the two and bring them to an understanding.
The ghouls have to eat human flesh in order to survive. Human organs are shown, as well as dismembered body parts. Ghouls are shown eating and attacking people, including a scene where a human willingly allows a ghoul to take a chunk of flesh off her shoulder in order for him to survive. A ghoul is shown sipping human blood from a wine glass. There is an enormous amount of blood, just PUDDLES of it, and it's very realistic. A character goes through intense, disturbing torture, as well as being severely beaten. There's more, but let's just end it by saying there is a lot of bloody violence.
Nudity/Sexual Content:
In the first episode, Kaneki sees down the front of Rize's shirt. Later, in a dream-type scene in Kaneki's brain, a naked Rize grabs onto him from the back.
Problematic Themes:
The fact that ghouls are 'basically humans' is an issue for me. The fact is, entertainment has a way of making things that are certainly evil, like vampires or demons, appear to be 'not as bad as we once believed'. I got that feeling from this anime - though you relate to these ghouls, who are just like normal people doing what they must to survive, it's important to understand how evil eating human flesh and drinking human blood is, and not become desensitized to things that are, though portrayed as 'not-so-bad', in essence completely evil.
On a more positive note, the relationships between some ghouls and humans is touching at times, and Kaneki is a really good guy, with good morals.
Overall, I'd say it's worth a watch if you're not easily disturbed. Actually, scratch that, it's worth a watch if you're OKAY with being disturbed. The plot really has something going for it (I believe a second season is coming out)and the characters, though nothing extraordinarily special, are likeable and unique in their own way.