Anime Reviews ⇢ Skip Beat!
Skip Beat!
Skip Beat!
Average Rating: 7 / 10

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Ratings: 1
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Content Overview
Violence: 4 / 10
Nudity: 2 / 10
Theo Theme: 5 / 10
Neg Theme: 2 / 10

Brief Description:
Kyoko Mogami followed her childhood friend and idol, Sho (a pop/rock singer), to Tokyo, to clean and cook for him. Kyoko may seem like a sweet, typical Japanese school girl, but when her trust and love and years of adoration are betrayed by Sho, she determines to get revenge on him in Show Biz. What follows is a hilarious cycle of events combined with edge-of-your-seat drama as the maniacal Kyoko charges into the world of the famous and talented.

Appropriate for ages 13+

Licensed by CruchyRoll in 2009.
Skip Beat is complete at 25 episodes.
User Reviews
09/13/2013: ForeverInspired [ Already Rated ]

I really enjoyed this journey of a girl trying to prove herself in the world. Yet, it wasn't as clean as I had hoped it would be. There was some character interaction that was enjoyable, but the best parts were during the acting.

Violence / Gore:

The main character hates another character for leaving her in the dust and nearly chokes him in one scene (she was supposed to be acting, but almost did it in reality because of her anger). There are some other scenes where characters fight, but they are not as serious.

Nudity / Sexual Content:

There is some sensual material. At one point, Ren falls on the lead character as he passes out. There are some comments made.

Potentially problematic theological themes:

Unfortunately, there are some occult themes (there are vodoo dolls, a pandora box, and bad auroras).

Other potentially problematic themes:

The main character has a bad relationship with her parents. One of the movies that they make towards the end is a little dark.

Added: November, 2011