Anime Reviews ⇢ Paprika
Average Rating: 9 / 10

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Ratings: 3
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Content Overview
Violence: 5 / 10
Nudity: 5.5 / 10
Theo Theme: 2.5 / 10
Neg Theme: 2 / 10

Brief Description:
In the near future, a revolutionary new psychotherapy treatment called PT has been invented. Through a device called the "DC Mini" it is able to act as a "dream detective" to enter into people's dreams and explore their unconscious thoughts. Before the government can pass a bill authorizing the use of such advanced psychiatric technology, one of the prototypes is stolen, sending the research facility into an uproar. In the wrong hands, the potential misuse of the device could be devastating, allowing the user to completely annihilate a dreamer's personality while they are asleep. Renowned scientist, Dr. Atsuko Chiba, enters the dream world under her exotic alter-ego, code name "PAPRIKA," in an attempt to discover who is behind the plot to undermine the new invention.

Licensed and distrubuted in the US by Sony Picture Classics in 2006.
Paprika is a full length feature film.

Suitable for ages 18+
User Reviews
04/09/2012: airichan623 [ Already Rated ]

Movie Notes
I adore this movie on many levels. If you enjoyed the ideas in Christopher Nolan's Inception, then you should definitely see this movie. However, unlike Inception, dreams are being infiltrated for the sake of psychology rather than crime. This film's dream sequences are also far more dream-like than those in Inception. Have you ever woken up from a dream and realized that so much of it made sense yet the visuals make no sense? That's what Paprika feels like.
I would recommend this movie anime fans and movie fans alike.
Content Notes
This movie was rated R by the MPAA, with good reason. I would recommend this as a 16+ film.
NudityFemale nudity happens rather frequently. The lower regions (if on camera) are undetailed, but the breasts are quite detailed in their nudity.
Violence/Gore: While there is not a lot of blood in this movie, there is one particularly disturbing dream sequence in which a female character is pinned to a table (like a butterfly) while a man plunges his hand literally into her (without blood) as if she was jelly and proceeds to work his hand up through her torso and head (including her private areas) as if he's caressing her organs while telling her how much he "loves" her. This entire scene takes a total of maybe 90 seconds, but it's rather disturbing scene all the same.

The following users rated this title without reviewing it: GeneD | Mr. Hat'n'Clogs.
Added: December, 2011