What is it? This movie is a direct sequel to the Ah! My Goddess OVA for which you can find more information here. It is strongly recommended that you watch that OVA first i you want to understand the setting, relationships and mechanics.
An old, powerful member of the race of the gods and former mentor of Belldandy, Celestin, was eternally sealed in the moon long ago for transgressing against the system. In the present, he is released by a wistful faerie and he proceeds to meet with Belldandy and kiss her, causing her to forget all her memories of her time with Keiichi. As Keiichi and Belldandy's sisters try to restore her memories to only little success, it becomes evident that giving Belldandy amnesia was only part of Celestin's larger plan of revenge against the heavens'
This movie has a much more epic scope than the OVA before and explores deeply the cosmological and theological mechanics of its universe. However, as a part of the AMG franchise, the threat to the world is only a background excuse to the real conflict which is the disruption of Keiichi and Belldandy's relationship. The main theme of AMG has always been that true love can transcend and trump even divine laws and cosmic interference and this movie is far from the exception. While amnesia is a rather tired cliche (even back then, at the turn of the century,) it is very well handled here and provides a believable conflict parallel to the one explored in the OVA to arrive to a beautiful conclusion that can be summed as "If I had to do it all over again from the beginning, I'd choose to fall in love with you again."
In spite of that great promise, the title is weighed down by the abuse of conventions and cliches pulled straight out of soap operas such as forced kisses by third parties that become misinterpreted and other misunderstandings of the ilk, that coupled with the whole amnesia scenario makes of this a much less compelling and original love story than that of the OVA.
What should I expect? A decent fantasy setup of goodness and love versus a force of despair that intends to destroy the earth, but which is secondary to a beautiful if somewhat trite romantic tale. Adequate production values.
What should I NOT expect? A breakthrough in the way romantic stories are told.
Anything I should be wary about? The only objectionable content in the movie is the depiction and usage of the term "goddess" and other related terms, like "heaven". AMG borrows heavily from Nordic mythology and mixes it with a bit of modern western religion plus a shake of the author's especial theological sauce. However, it is quite clear that it's just the cosmology of this particular fictional universe and bears no resemblance nor intends commentary or interpretation of our own universe's idea of God.
Something worth of singular note? The symphonic melody and song played during the climax of the movie is very beautiful and a particularly well made piece of post-barroque religious music.
SCORING (The score above represents my subjective liking of the series, I'll attempt to be more objective in this section)
Base score: 7.0/10.0
Add 1.0 if:
-You've seen and liked the prequel OVA. Those who have only seen the TV series will enjoy it too, but the movie is definitely more connected to the OVA's particular canon.
Add 2.0 if:
-You are into love stories with an epic fantasy setup
Subtract 1.0 if:
-The overused conventions of soap operas to add conflict to an established relationship make you grit your teeth.
Subtract 2.0 if:
-You mislike -for religious reasons- representations and references to other gods, even fictional ones and the depiction of detailed usage of magic such as rites, circles, etc.
Subtract 5.0 if:
-You dislike romance thrown into your fantasy epics.
-You haven't seen the prequel OVA or at least the TV series.
Subtract 7.0 if:
-You have seen the prequel OVA and/or the TV series and didn't like it. You will find nothing different here.