Anime Reviews ⇢ Alien 9
Alien 9
Average Rating: 7 / 10

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Ratings: 1
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Content Overview
Violence: 8 / 10
Nudity: 7 / 10
Theo Theme: 6 / 10
Neg Theme: 6 / 10

Brief Description:
Otani Yuri, much to her disgust, has been elected by her class for alien fighting duty. Together with Tonime Kasumi, who joined the alien fighter simply for the sake of doing so, and Kawamura Kumi, who became and alien fighter to avoid the responsibility of yet another year of class presidency, she must defend her school from periodic alien attacks. Introspection, fear, anxiety and friendship await Yuri as she is forced to stare life itself in the mouth in her chaotic coming of age.

-- ANN Plot Summary

Released: 2001

Rated: 16

ANN Link:
User Reviews
06/19/2012: Neane [ Already Rated ]

Alien Nine is an anime OVA that is about a girl named Yuri is dragged into fighting aliens and protecting her school. That sounds pretty simple, right? That is where the simplicity ends. These girls who are just in elementary school, face serious psychological drama and problems at the same time. It becomes evident just how messed up these girls become by the third episode. There is a huge tease at the end about what happens to the girls and this OVA is open-ended. You will need to read the manga to see what happens later.

Violence Details: In addition to the psychological drama that happens to the girls, there is some gore and blood when it comes to them fighting the aliens that attack the school. The aliens' blood is not red, it is green and thus I did not give the Violence setting higher.


Not much, just in the realm of the D Word and H word.

The girls are shown nude when the borgs feed off their back and when they are in the locker room they are topless, but only their back is shown. And by the end of the show it is shown that Kasumi runs in the nude. It is un-detailed and the most you see is the girl's rear end.

Sexual: There is a close relationship that occurs between two of the girls and people might confuse it as girl's love [Shoujo-ai]

Religious: There is some symbolism that might be offensive to some viewers, but it is in small amounts.

Added: July, 2011