Anime Reviews ⇢ Kyousougiga (ONA)
Kyousougiga (ONA)
Average Rating: 7 / 10

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Ratings: 1
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Content Overview
Violence: 2 / 10
Nudity: 2 / 10
Theo Theme: 4 / 10
Neg Theme: 1 / 10

Brief Description:
Plot Summary: Three kids are stuck in a strange city causing massive mayhem through the land. They are searching for an atypical rabbit in order to return home. Koto, the eldest of the three, seems to have some sort of connection to this weird place ruled by a monk, a demon, and a priest.

Aired: Dec 1, 2011
•Suggested Age Appropriateness: 15+
Not Licensed.
User Reviews
07/01/2013: GeneD [ Already Rated ]

The review is based on the 1 episode ONA that aired 1 Dec 2011. There is a 5 episode ONA too. A lot about the story is unclear/confusing so this review, especially the theological content, is very subjective according to how I understood it.

Violence / Gore: Sci-fi/magic battles with laser blasts, explosions and giant hammers.

Nudity / Sexual Content: A woman is seen in the underwear. One female character is kissed by another lady briefly. The former is upset and the latter apologises.

Theological themes: The story is set in a so-called mirror Kyoto, possibly an alternate reality. As stated there is a monk, a demon, and a priest. The monk and demon use magic to fight. People are asked about the deity of a local shrine but no one seems to have a clear idea who or what it is. People pray at said shrine. Possibly implications of reincarnation.

Added: May, 2012