Anime Reviews ⇢ Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (Movie)
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (Movie)
ファイナルファンタジーVII: アドベントチルドレン
Average Rating: 6.75 / 10

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Ratings: 4
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Content Overview
Violence: 4.5 / 10
Nudity: 1 / 10
Theo Theme: 3.8 / 10
Neg Theme: 2.3 / 10

Brief Description:
Two years after the end of Final Fantasy VII the world is starting to get back on it's feet and is working towards a new future. However, there is a new threat from a mysterious illness called Geo-stigma, and three men that seem to be seeking Jenova. Cloud and his friends from the original game must once again reunite to save their world.

Year Released: 2005
Suggested Age: 13+
Related works: The game franchise, 1 related OVA (1 unrelated OVA and a series)
User Reviews
06/23/2012: Smileloviene [ Already Rated ]

If you have played the games or read a summary of them, this can be a great watch. If you have neither of those experiences to inform you, you won't understand what's going on. Beyond that, I found this movie exceedingly enjoyable. The characters have variety, the plot is interesting, and their is no other word for the animation but BREATHTAKING. It is beyond incredible and I will always think of it as the most impressive I've ever seen. If you like watching characters triumph in incredible battles and their own inner conflict, please enjoy.

Fighting is rather frequent. It's an action movie, so that's to be expected. No blood, however, just motorcycle chases and sword/gun fighting that's all very impressive.

Basically, none. One female character might where clothes that show her belly button, but beyond that there's nothing whatsoever.

The film has this idea of a "lifetstream" that surrounds the world which is where people go when they die. It could be taken as a bad religious theme, but it's basically just a fantasy world thing that isn't trying to make a religious statement or anything.

Other Problematic Themes
It should be noted that there is a disease among humanity that's rather central to the plotline of the movie, and many people have sort of brown bruise marks on them as a sign of it. There's one scene in particular where several people are seen looking very ill and throwing up. It isn't detailed enough to really be disturbing though.

Overall, not exactly an award winner for plot or deeper themes, but it's an interesting watch with great action and amazing animation.

May, 2012: ABlipinTime [ Already Rated ]

If you haven't played the games and don't see the extended addition, you'll probably be lost throughout the film unless you have some Final Fantasy nerd to explain everything to you.

The story is about events in a game world, which means just about anything is allowed. However, the writers decided the world is on the verge of being runover by the returning super villain. It's up to the heroes to succeed in multiple, unbelievable fight scenes - blood not included since this is a game.

Mind control, resurrection, rad motorcycles are all wrapped up in this bundle.

The best part about this film is the animation. It's absolutely stunning. Watching in high definition is a must!

Overall, for you non-FF fans, it's another superhero story.

The following users rated this title without reviewing it: GeneD | MangaRocks!.
Added: May, 2012