Anime Reviews ⇢ Star Ocean EX
Star Ocean EX
Suta Oshan EX
Average Rating: 5 / 10

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Ratings: 1
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Content Overview
Violence: 3 / 10
Nudity: 3 / 10
Theo Theme: 4 / 10
Neg Theme: 2 / 10

Brief Description:
Claude C. Kenni, a crew-member of the spaceship Calnus, is inadvertently transported through time and space to Expel, a planet filled with swords, magic and no end of strange inhabitants.
After encountering Rena Lanford, a young girl who thinks Claude is the legendary Warrior of Light, the two team up along with several other characters along the way to investigate the Sorcery Globe, a mysterious meteorite that has been a source of great evil and chaos in the world.

Release date: 2001
US Distributor: Geneon Entertainment
Suitable for ages 12+
Related Works: Adapted from the manga series [i]Star Ocean: The Second Story[/i], which in turn is based on the Playstation RPG video game [i]Star Ocean 2: The Second Story[/i].
A series of five drama CD's were also released by [i]Movic[/i] to complete the story, as both the manga and anime series were only based on the first half of the video game, thus leaving it incomplete, though the CD series is currently out-of-print
[b]Runtime:[/b] Approx. 30 minutes per episode, at 26 episodes in total
User Reviews
11/03/2012: J.D3 [ Already Rated ]

Violence / Gore Details (3/10): Sword-fighting and other weapons are a big part of the series, so there is violence, but largely low-level.

Nudity / Sexual Content (3/10): There are two instances throughout the series where we briefly see fanservice-y close ups of a female character's chest, plus this same character's attire could be considered to be a little on the skimpy side.
An older male character is seen to have strong affections for a much younger female character, though this remains completely platonic throughout the series.

Theological Themes Details (4/10): A number of characters are referred to as sorcerers and/or possess magical powers and are seen to recite incantations at various times.

Spoiler: The series occasionally features members from a group of beings called the 'Evil Ones' to which the creatures, Gyoro and Ururun, apparently belong to. It is never exactly clear what these beings are, though they sometimes have the term 'demon' applied in relation to them.

Other Potentially Problematic Details (2/10): Some mild to moderate course language.

Added: August, 2012