Anime Reviews ⇢ Library War: The Wings of Revolution (Movie)
Library War: The Wings of Revolution (Movie)
Toshokan Sensou: Kakumei no Tsubasa (図書館戦争 革命のつばさ)
Average Rating: 8.67 / 10

Hits: 1810
Ratings: 3
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Content Overview
Violence: 4 / 10
Nudity: 1.3 / 10
Theo Theme: 1 / 10
Neg Theme: 2 / 10

Brief Description:
Kasahara Iku and Dojo Atsushi receive an emergency recall as Japan is rocked by a terror attack. Their new duty is a protection detail assigned to author Touma Kurato. Meanwhile, the relationship between Librarians and the Media Purity Committee is also worsening.


Year Released: 16 Jun 2012
Suggested Age: 13+
Related works: The original light novels, a spin-off light novel series, two separate manga adaptations, the anime series and a DVD/BD only special episode.
User Reviews
July, 2013: GeneD [ Already Rated ]

Violence / Gore: A nuclear plant is attacked by terrorists, it's covered in news broadcasts. There’s about the same level of gun usage and injuries as the series. A wound in someone's leg bleeds a fair amount and there's some physical combat.

The following users rated this title without reviewing it: ForeverInspired | MomentOfInertia.
Added: July, 2013