Anime Reviews ⇢ The Devil is a Part-Timer!
The Devil is a Part-Timer!
Hataraku Maou-sama! (はたらく魔王さま!)
Average Rating: 7 / 10

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Ratings: 3
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Content Overview
Violence: 4.3 / 10
Nudity: 3 / 10
Theo Theme: 6.3 / 10
Neg Theme: 2 / 10

Brief Description:
In another dimension the Devil King Sadao is only one step away from conquering the world when he is beaten by Hero Emilia and forced to escape to another world: modern-day Tokyo. As "conquering the world" are the only skills the Devil King possesses - and are obviously unnecessary in his new situation - he must work part time to pay for his living expenses.


Date Released: 4 Apr 2013 to 27 Jun 2013
Suggested Age: 13+
Complete at 13 episodes.
Related works: The original light novels and two manga adaptations.
User Reviews
11/19/2014: faithb4sight [ Already Rated ]

Note: This is a review of the Funimation English dub of this series.

The Devil is a Part-Timer! is a comical anime whose central character suddenly goes from being a dark, evil ruler to a laid-back, friendly guy trying to work his way up in the fast-food industry.

Violence / Gore:
There is a good bit of fighting (usually using swords/magical elements). Sometimes people are hurt pretty badly, but on the whole there is not a huge amount of bloodshed. One guy does wind up with a hole through him, but this is not as graphic as it sounds. Some people get shot at by magic/guns.

Nudity / Sexual Content:
There is an episode with a lot of girls in swimsuits. One girl is very endowed in the chest region and some emphasis is placed on this (though not really by the main guy characters, which was refreshing). Sometimes the view angle focuses on girl's bodies. At one point a girl is standing in the rain and her bra is seen through her shirt, and at another point her shirt is pulled open by a creeper and her bra is visible. She is also shown in the bath/ changing for work, but nothing is really shown. When she is at home this character is seen in only a long t-shirt (covers everything).
The main character often chills around his house in boxers (they might just be shorter shorts) and sometimes girls are in his house talking to him when he is dressed this way. Some circumstances cause the main character to go shirtless a couple of times, too.

Potentially problematic theological themes:
The title would have the audience believe that this anime is specifically about the devil, but it is actually more about a magical being referred to by that name. I rated this section a 6 because they use various names for the devil quite frequently, and I know that could be an issue for some people.
Christianity is not portrayed as evil in this anime, though some members of the "church" within it are not so nice. Also, an "angel" winds up being evil and a little bit lecherous. He claims he was sent by heaven and that heaven agrees with him, but given the situation he just appears insane.
Characters in this anime do use magic to fight with/fix things/etc. Both good and evil characters have these powers.

Other potentially problematic themes:
Minor swearing (a few h***s and d***s), and maybe one b-word.

* At the end of the day this is a comedy about a guy who has changed for the better, and a girl who doesn't believe it. The characters are an interesting group of people who somehow all get along with each other (for the most part). I'd recommend this anime to fans of Blue Exorcist (though this is more lighthearted) or D.N. Angel.

August, 2013: GeneD [ Already Rated ]

Violence / Gore: There's a number of battles, mostly magical but some using modern-day weapons. Two characters get shot and there's an appropriate amount of blood. One character receives a gaping chest wound. At one point Emi gets captured by an enemy who tortures her with magic blasts. The girls visit a creepy haunted house exhibit at the theme park.

Nudity / Sexual Content: The theme park episode has people walking around in bathing suits. In this episode and others there are a few joke/comments made about Emi's breast size vs. Chi-chan's breast size. Maou fights a battle in nothing but his underpants. In the battle where Emi is tortured her captor unbuttons her top and threatens Chi-chan with molestation.

Theological themes: Maou is the Demon Lord of his home world Ente Isla and is known as Lord Satan. Several other characters are demons and angels from Ente Isla or members of the church of Ente Isla. Said church is portrayed as generally corrupt and ruthless. The Ente Isla characters use magic.

Negative Themes: There's some minor swearing.

The following users rated this title without reviewing it: ForeverInspired.
Added: August, 2013