Anime Reviews ⇢ Blood Lad
Blood Lad
Buraddo Raddo (ブラッドラッド)
Average Rating: 5 / 10

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Ratings: 1
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Content Overview
Violence: 5 / 10
Nudity: 4 / 10
Theo Theme: 4 / 10
Neg Theme: 0 / 10

Brief Description:
Blood Lad follows Staz, a vampire that is obsessed with the human world, and Fuyumi, a human girl that was killed and turned into a ghost after wandering into the demon world. Staz promises to help Fuyumi regain her humanity by bringing her back to life, as it means that he would be able to visit the human world.


Date Aired: 8 Jul 2013 to 9 Sept 2013
Suggested Age: 17+
Complete at 10 episodes.
Related works: The original manga and an OAV.
User Reviews
10/19/2013: GeneD [ Already Rated ]

Violence / Gore: The violence ranges from a monster eating someone off-screen and the bare bones seen afterwards to someone basically exploding from the inside with a lot of blood shown. People shoot other people with guns and there's some boxing and other fights. Some characters have powers of regeneration so most injuries are less serious than they could be.

Nudity / Sexual Content: There's all kinds of fanservice and innuendo and at least 2 counts of strategically covered nudity. Fuyumi ends up in (fanservice-y) outfits a few times and she is visibly uncomfortable wearing them.

Theological Themes: It's set in what's called the demon world, but there aren't any actual demons per se, the characters are what I'd rather call monsters: vampire, werewolf, ghost, zombie, Frankenstein's monster. A lot of them can use different kinds magic but it's not elaborated on how any of it works. Fuyumi is shown tied to a cross in the OP, but the situation doesn't feature at all apart from that one image.

Added: October, 2013