Anime Reviews ⇢ Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom
Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom
Average Rating: 7 / 10

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Content Overview
Violence: 8 / 10
Nudity: 3 / 10
Theo Theme: 2 / 10
Neg Theme: 4 / 10

Brief Description:
Brief Description: Chizuru Yukimura has come to Kyoto looking for her father, a doctor who has gone missing. While there, she witnesses a fight between an Oni and the Shinsengumi. Taking her into custody, the Shinsengumi debates on what to do with Chizuru, when they discover that she is the daughter of the doctor for whom they are also looking. The Shinsengumi then take Chizuru along on their search after the missing doctor, from adventure to adventure. It can be streamed on The Anime Network.

US Release date: 2010
US Distributor: Section23 Films
My Anime List rates it R - 17+ (violence & profanity)
Hakuoki is complete at 12 episodes.
User Reviews
10/20/2013: ForeverInspired [ Already Rated ]

Even though this was a pretty violent and dark show, it was very well put together. The characters are great, and this really helps to set the tone for the epic final season.

Violence/Gore: There is a great deal of fighting since it is a samurai-genre story. The battles are pretty detailed and depicted blood loss is great.

Nudity / Sexual Content: Most of the time, the people are completely covered. There is one instance though when all of the men are getting a well-check and only have a cloth around them.

Potentially problematic theological themes: They talk about some Eastern religious groups.

Other potentially problematic themes: This work is overall dark in nature. There is some drinking and mild swearing. Also, a medicine is developed that gives the person exceptional strength and vampire impulses.

Added: October, 2013