Anime Reviews ⇢ Psychic School Wars
Psychic School Wars
Nerawareta Gakuen
Average Rating: 7 / 10

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Ratings: 2
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Content Overview
Violence: 2.5 / 10
Nudity: 3 / 10
Theo Theme: 3 / 10
Neg Theme: 1.5 / 10

Brief Description:
It's a new school year at the local Junior High School in Kamakura. The school year starts off with a new transfer student Ryoichi Kyogoku who joins the 8th grade class. He has been ordered to join the school, and use his special gift of telepathy and take over their school. This boy who happens to be handsome, and be a charismatic person, gains popularity, and using his powers takes over the entire school, except for Seki. This begins a war to regain their freedom for their school and themselves.

Date Aired: Oct 19, 2012
My Anime List rates it PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
Psychic School Wars is complete at 1 episode (movie).

User Reviews
November, 2013: GeneD [ Already Rated ]

Violence / Gore: Natsuki is violently tsundere towards Seki, punching him or throwing a trash can in his face. There is usually no justifiable reason for any of this and some blood is seen. There's an attempted suicide by the person wanting to throw themselves off a cliff.

Nudity / Sexual Content: There's a couple of "pervert" and boob jokes. Seki's fly is down at one point without his noticing and a bunch of the boys are seen in speedos at the pool. A bit of a spoiler related to the previous point Spoiler: a close up shot of Seki pulling his phone out of his speedo, which he put there since it was "the only pocket he had" during the swimming lesson. The kids go to the beach and are in swimwear.

Theological Themes: Characters either naturally have or can get telepathic/psychic powers. Some of these appear to be linked to animal familiars or objects. Spoiler: There's also time travel, which isn't necessarily theological but seems to be linked to the telepathy.

The following users rated this title without reviewing it: ForeverInspired.
Added: November, 2013