Anime Reviews ⇢ La Corda D'Oro: Primo Passo
La Corda D'Oro: Primo Passo
Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo
Average Rating: 8 / 10

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Ratings: 2
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Content Overview
Violence: 2 / 10
Nudity: 1 / 10
Theo Theme: 2 / 10
Neg Theme: 2 / 10

Brief Description:
Hino goes to a school that specializes in music and has two streams: the normal stream and the music stream, where the music students are regarded as the more elite. She was running late for her class one day when she saw a tiny fairy, who seemed really excited that she could see it. The next day, the entrants in the music competition, who are decided by the school, are announced. Hino's name appears on the list - except she doesn't play an instrument. The fairy gives her a magical violin that can be played by anyone. Reluctantly, she enters into the competition and is forced to deal with the prejudices of her peers.

May be seen on Crunchyroll, Hulu, & The Anime Network.

Aired: Oct 2, 2006 to Mar 26, 2007
US Distributor: Section23 Films
My Anime List's Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
La Corda D'Oro: Primo Passo is complete at 25 episodes.
User Reviews
November, 2013: Watermaster2 [ Already Rated ]

Violence/Gore review: A few fight scenes about take place, but nothing ever happens. One scene had the main character end up cutting her finger on glass and a little blood was shown.

Sexual/Nudity review: One scene had a guy accidentally fall on the main character and another with a guy pinning the girl down. There is one scene of a character in the shower, but nothing is ever scene.

Theological review: A fairy plays an important part in the story and some magic is used.

Other theological themes review: The word d**n is used three times, ba***rd is used once, and Hell is used twice. One scene had slight yuri implications, but it was played off as a joke.

One character is often seen with a cigarette and one character is seen with alcohol in a flashback of their life.

The following users rated this title without reviewing it: ForeverInspired.
Added: November, 2013