Anime Reviews ⇢ Prétear
Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Purītia
Average Rating: 7.5 / 10

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Ratings: 2
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Content Overview
Violence: 3.5 / 10
Nudity: 3.5 / 10
Theo Theme: 4 / 10
Neg Theme: 2.5 / 10

Brief Description:
2001. 13 episodes. Ages rating: 13+

More info:

Description: Himeno Awayuki wants so badly to fit in with her new step family! But she somehow feels left out and unneeded. That all changes when a group of Leafe Knights show up and tell Himeno that she's a magical being called a Prétear, and that they need her help to defeat the evil Princes of Disaster! Now Himeno must learn to use her powers so that she can fight to protect her new friends (and the world!). And maybe, just maybe, she'll find true love in the process.

Related Media: 4-volume manga series by Junichi Sato and Kaori Naruse.
User Reviews
April, 2014: faithb4sight [ Already Rated ]

Note: This is a review of the Funimation English dub version of this series.

Violence / Gore:
This anime centers around a girl and her new friends fighting off different creatures with the use of their powers. There is not a lot of blood - when a character is hurt they just look disheveled. Some comedic violence in the show, too.

Nudity / Sexual Content:
One girl in this anime is shown taking a shower multiple times. She is mostly covered by steam. At one point she walks out of the shower and hugs a guy - her breasts are on him. Not totally detailed (these scenes are meant to be more comedic than anything else).
Another girl mentions that her transformation with a guy is like they have "become one."
The transformation scenes are pretty awkward. The girl is unmistakably nude, and mostly uncovered.

Potentially problematic theological themes:
This anime's plot revolves around the use of magic. People transform and use their powers to fight. Magic is shown to have two forms: good and evil.

Other potentially problematic themes:
Random, mild swearing (usually s*** and d***). Not in every episode, but noticeable.

*Pr�tear is a combination of fantasy, comedy, and romance. It has its share of lightheartedness, but a good chunk of the show deals with inner turmoil and emotions; thus, Pr�tear actually has some surprising depth to it. A great Shoujo pick for fans of series such as Princess TuTu or Sailor Moon.

The following users rated this title without reviewing it: ForeverInspired.
Added: April, 2014