Anime Reviews
Romeo x Juliet
ロミオ × ジュリエット
airichan623's Rating: 9 / 10

Hits: 5285

This page shows only airichan623's
rating for this title.

Content Overview
Violence: 5 / 10
Nudity: 2 / 10
Theo Theme: 5 / 10
Neg Them: 0 / 10

airichan623's Review
Note on dub/sub: I HIGHLY recommend the Funimation's dub of this series. The characters are well cast, however, the script is fantastic. In the spirit of Shakespeare, much of the dialogue sounds like, or is, a direct quote from Shakespeare. Also, it is worth a mention that this series was released with a TV-PG rating on the box, which gives you a pretty good idea of the content level of this series.

The soundtrack from this series is exceptional, and is worth a listen regardless of whether or not you've seen the series.
Added: September, 2011