Anime Reviews ⇢ Captain Earth
Captain Earth
Kyaputen Āsu (キャプテン・アース)

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Brief Description:
One night, right before summer vacation, Manatsu Daichi, a second-year in high school, sees a weird round rainbow floating in the sky above Tanegashima and ventures there alone. He has seen this rainbow before. With the memories of his father's mysterious death and an encounter with a strange boy and girl, Daiji arrives on the island while the alarm of a building labelled Earth Engine is going off. Someone asks him if he is a captain, just as robotic intruders from Uranus called Kill-T-Gang arrive. The battle around the shining stars is about to begin.


Date Aired: 6 Apr 2014 to 21 Sept 2014
Suggested Age: 13+
Complete at 25 episodes.
Related works: A manga adaptation.
Added: October, 2014