Anime Reviews
Initial D: Third Stage
頭文字〈イニシャル〉D THIRD STAGE
Xeno's Rating: 10 / 10

Hits: 3151

This page shows only Xeno's
rating for this title.

Content Overview
Violence: 9 / 10
Nudity: 3 / 10
Theo Theme: 1 / 10
Neg Them: 7 / 10

Xeno's Review
Unlike First and Second Stages, Third Stage was a theatrical release, and I still consider it to be the best of all the Initial D releases to date. This cut out all the extra details, there wasn't anything that was unnecessary to the story, it was a revenge story, a tale of old blood, and one of a love being remembered.

Violence/Gore: There is an attempted rape scene near the end of the movie. It's unsuccessful, you don't see any undergarments or things you otherwise shouldn't see, but because of the fact this is in there I must give this category a 9 rating.

Nudity/Sexual Content: See above.

Theological content: There is no theology in this anime.

Other potential problems: As with the previous series, this anime is about nothing but street racing, the glory and, in some minor cases, the consequences it brings. If you are able to discern the difference between what is safe and what is not, then this should not be a problem.

Review/Rating Details: The music in these series is very take it or leave it. It's a genre of electronic dance music known as Eurobeat and it came as a melding between Jpop and Happy Hardcore. It's very self-aware of what it is, and it's not trying to save the world, but it's definitely there and can be quite overwhelming.
Added: May, 2012